Saturday, December 18, 2010


Are you looking for practical help for around the home? Perhaps you want to cook or bake something new, have no idea what to make and want to see pictures of how it's supposed to look? Or maybe you know me and want to see what the family is up to these days??
You have probably come to the right place, then. Congratulations!
My goal here is to post homemaking-related tips and tricks and recipes and what-have-you, and little things I find make life as a full-time homemaker a little easier and happier.
I have 3 little boys who are 5, 3, and 2. They keep me on my toes and give me a lot of love and laughs. They also make a lot of messes... and I like my home to be neat and clean. (I also like my home to be organized but, lo, it is not. Maybe we will get through that together in the coming months.)
For instance, Noah, who is two, will "disappear" once or twice a day. He isn't hiding, he just can be really quiet and, I don't know, sometimes we lose track of him. So yesterday he disappeared and was found with kid's toothpaste covering his hands! It wasn't a horrible toothpaste mess, though; from what I can gather- a homemaker is also a private investigator- he went into his bathroom and only smeared toothpaste on his hands. So that was one incident. Add two (for the other two boys) and multiply that by 365 (days of the year) and multiply that by 2 1/2 (years since I have had three children) and simple math will show that I have an arsenal of solutions to the little "problems" or "incidents" that always seem to be popping up.  :)
I am also a firm believer that you should learn, or attempt to learn, something new every day no matter how old you are.
AND I love to cook and bake! If you snuck up to my house and looked in the front window (do not sneak up to my house and look in my windows) at pretty much any time of the day, you would most likely see me in my kitchen. My kitchen is the Mothership. It's where the magic happens and I LOVE being in there. I love sharing recipes with people. The kitchen is always good for funny stories of mishaps, too. I can't think of any right now but I know I have plenty.
So please kick back and enjoy!
I'm going to go make pancakes and smoothies. :)

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